Please enjoy watching Fred and Barney puffing away while Wilma and Betty get the chores done. Makes you wish for the good old days, doesn't it?
Just a 15 second tease of our old pal Groucho on You Bet Your Life "Say the secret word, win a hundred dollars."
Here are a couple of guys helping a hippie chick move her belongings and furniture and cross-eyed cat up 3 flights of stairs and what do they get for their effort? A nice cold Olympia Beer
First of all, the guy sleeping through the cowboy shoot-em-up is so 1950's. Check out the furnishings in his living room. We've all been there. The way the beach couple leave the pack of butts behind when they return to TV land is evidence that LSD may have penetrated the walls of the advertising industry. Then you get a look at his wife and this is supposed to make you think it is normal for this guy to hallucinate.