~ My old pal Ms. Vasco and me at Yankee Stadium ~

the early years. Notice my first day of school shirt
I first met Ms. Gloria Theresa Vasco in 1999, at the very beginning of our teaching careers. At the time I was teaching MS band in the Garden City school district. The music faculty at the Island Trees District had been staging a fundraiser Faculty Concert for many years.

Mr. Peter Gibbons, formerly the assistant principal who hired me at GC was now the Music Director at Island Trees. He asked me to sit in on electric bass and woodwinds. For the next 5 years, I was a ringer in the Island Trees Faculty Concert band.

After any school concert it was common for the music faculty and staff to stop out for celebratory libations. We would toast each other and laugh about various shenanigans and oopsies that inevitabitably occur during any concert, student or professional. After the 2003 show, I was still participating as the ringer bass player. We all went to Sals's Place in Hicksville.

During the night, as we were shooting pool, I keep hearing murmers. Murmer ... whisper ... murmer ... should we tell him? I finally asked "tell who what?" Gloria looks at me (I did not yet call her Ms. Vasco.) and says "Nick is leaving." The domino effect of the high school band teacher leaving would result in an opening for middle school band teacher. I will never forget her smile when she said "You're not a ringer any more Mike."

Ms Vasco and me during our med school years.

So, I got the job and in 2004 Ms. Vasco and I became partners. We worked together for ten years, just the two of us at the end of a hallway, separated from the rest of the building. The official designation was 5th and 6th grade band for her, 7th and 8th for me. We approached it as two band teachers for the band program.

We shared the 2 classrooms, both of us teaching in whichever room was more appropriate for the kids in the classroom that period. We ate lunch together every day and shared dinner dozens of times a year. We never split the check. The first time we went to lunch together I explained to her that when your co-worker offers to buy lunch, you smile and say thank you. We alternated buying lunch for each other for the next 10 years.

We became the best of friends and looked out for each other. She is smart, honest, caring, funny and talented. Over thousands and thousands of hours working together, never once has an unpleasant word been exchanged between us. Her interaction with kids is pure genius, always having the right words and demeanor.

That is not to say that we did not endure stressful situations. There were some, none between us. I kind of wore out administrators. I will admit I was a bit of an iconoclast, but she had my back every day. We referred to each other as work-wife / work-husband. She and my real wife, Sue, conspired to keep me healthy and employable. Our joke (well, my joke, all the bad jokes are mine) is that I opened jars that were too tight and Ms. Vasco reminded me when I had to go to the doctor.

Friends for life. I am smiling.

I have enjoyed more than my share of blessings in my life - the family I grew up with - my sweet wife and daughters - a lifetime making a living as a musician and many friends and colleagues.

Ms. Gloria Theresa Vasco is among the very greatest gifts ever. My life has been brightened considerably by the smile you see here.

Fun was had …