Chuck Evans …  Paper Bag Pioneer
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Chuck Evans - the Lighting Guy

Our boy Chuck Evans took care of the design and rental of the lights for Bag #9 and it looks like he did a pretty good job. In the early 80's Chuck and I occasionally worked for a production company named Carabiner (a carabiner is a clip used alot in lighting and rigging). We worked together on an industrial show staged the Waldorf Astoria. The show involved this elaborate multimedia set up of slide projectors hooked up to a Mac computer and a big sound system. All this was set up on a huge scaffolding rig placed at one end of a catering ballroom and hidden behind black screening. As was the norm for this type of show, the crew worked all day on the set up and testing, ate a quick dinner on-site, worked the show We needed some fun after our 16 hour work day.

At 3:15am we finally finished and were desperate to find an open bar. A hobo sleeping on a steam grate sent us over to 2nd Ave. We stayed until last call, last two to leave the place. On the way back to the Waldorf we stopped in an all night deli for hot dogs with sauerkraut. We then had a hot dog fight back in the room. Hey it's not the Who, but it's something.

We woke up several hours later to sauerkraut and mustard everywhere. We then went to a coffee shop of 50th Street and ate mass quantities of breakfast, including a variety of liquids. We laughed our fool heads off. We then went and broke the whole thing down and loaded it out. click here to see my contract for the 2 days work

Anyway, here, for your perusal, is a copy of the lighting contract for Paper Bag #9. Notice we rented two (2) smoke machines. No expense is too large in the pursuit of great entertainment.

That is Chuck Evans on the right and Greg Hebel on the left. Note the cool cigarette machine and the pocket folder undoubtable used for sorting colored gel paper for the lights. This picture was taken during Bag #4 at the Lion's Cage in Huntington.

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